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Writer's picturePooja Jain

When They Say Dream Big...

Updated: Oct 19, 2020

Dear Diary, I am aware that my routine tales of poverty are downright annoying. But I can't keep up this facade of wealth anymore. It is resentful to have your parents spending most of their earnings on your education, to go to a good school only to find rich brats showing off, to not be privileged like others, to have friends economically better off than me and to like fashion more than anything even when I can't adore myself in that princess gown which my friend owns. To my friends, my clothes look good and presentable, but hold on you guys, I didn't buy them- they are hand-me-downs. I am tired of making excuses to my friends of not giving a birthday bash, of not showing them where I live. I love reading, but I don't have any books. Karen, my best friend had asked me why I wasn't buying a kindle. And, guess what?! I made an excuse again, something in this capitalist world that comes without a penny.

Are likes-dislikes, hobbies-passions only for the rich?

Papa and mamma were educated enough to send me to a good school, but, dear diary, I would have rather studied in a government school with friends like me, rather than begrudging my fate and questioning my destiny.

My friends say money cannot buy you happiness. I wish I could tell them that you can only come in terms with happiness after fulfilling the basic.

The biggest irony of this world being, you can't really earn without having a penny. Your talents and skills value nothing without money. I know, dear diary, you are wondering why I said so, and I shall be obliged to tell you so. Take, for example, a man who has nothing but his skills and he hopes to be a part of an MNC looking for recruits having the skills he does. But my dear diary, how shall he reach the MNC without a penny.

I know not what's awaiting me in my near future, but, my dear diary, I will not let this money mongering world daunt yet another passionate poor - one who still hopes to change her status. I know that I don't have the privilege of taking things for granted, the fear of losing the roof above my head and the leftovers in the decades-old fridge bugs me every single day. But this is too small to let go of my dreams. I affirm this very day, dear diary, that I shall work with my utmost determination and perseverance to fulfill my basic needs, 'at least'.

Income inequality is not a myth. You may not be affected by it, but it still haunts the lives of millions of other people.

Why should there be a limit in the lives of the poor when the rich spend limitlessly?


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